Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I am shopping for a diamond engagement ring and I was wondering if you know any stores in NYC' s Diamond District. I did my homework with the Four C's and set up a budget and have an idea what she would like so I just need a reputable place to buy the ring.

Thanks!|||NYC's Diamond District gets a bad rap because a while back few greedy companies showed up on TV trying to cheat shoppers.

I personally know few people who has been working on this street for over twenty years. These are the honest people who have to fight with this bad rap because few bad apples tried to make fast money.

What I suggest is, if you already done your homework and you know exactly what you want, by getting a diamond with a certificate from a reputable gemological institute then all you have to do is shop and compare the diamond prices and then decide on a ring. You can get an easy idea on the diamond market and prices by shopping few online stores then when you walk in to a store you know what to expect and you can easily negotiate at these stores because of the sheer competition they face on the street. Just make sure to compare apples to apples ( which will be easy with an official diamond certificate).

In terms of actual stores, I can recommend a store where my best friend purchased his wife's ring with a GIA certified diamond set in a Verragio mounting at Shenoa Diamond at 1 West 47th Street. You can't miss it, it's the largest individual store on 47th Street. They were very nice to him there and they gave a fair price.

Here are some reference links:

GIA - Gemological Institute of America

Verragio - Designer of engagement rings and weeding bands

Web site of the store on 47th Street
http://www.shenoadiamonds.com|||Online shopping is also a wise choice for consideration. In fact, online jewelry stores have a vast array of jewelry pieces at ultra-low cost. You can try http://www.b2cjewels.com/ They have some fabulous assortments of jewelry. Apart from that, they have beautiful celebrity replica jewelry.|||Why don't you buy it online?

http://myjewelersplace.com|||Tiffany's. Do it right.

Wow, that guy below me isn't racist at all...|||I agree...Tiffany's...she'll LOVE seeing that little blue box...
and you'll KNOW you're getting a nice ring..


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