Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I live in a small town in ct, and i always have loved the though of living in nyc when i get older (i'm 16). I've been wanted to move there ever sense i first visited when i was around eight.
I have a 2.7 gpa, and haven't taken the SAT's yet.
What's the easiest school to get into in nyc?

is it worth living in nyc?
would a person that hates a small town love it?

thanks, ten points to the best answer.|||It would take a lot of getting used to, and it will be very expensive. CUNY is your best chance, because they have an open admissions policy, meaning anyone who applies and who has a high school diploma or GED will be accepted. You'll have to live with 1 or 2 roommates, spend very little money on entertainment, and you probably won't be living in the best areas, since those places are more expensive. But, hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good luck!|||i think that u should go. if u hate the small town get away. u don't want to live somewhere that you wont be happy. new york is great i lived there for 8 years. but there are a lot of mean ppl it is dirty and is crowded. so u just need to think if its worth all of those bad things to get away. do u want to escape that much??? i had a blast living there though! i hope you do too!! if u choose that :D|||Oh brother another hick in the herd. Stay in CT, you'll be eaten alive in NYC.|||Brittany you are making a wise choice because you are a very intelligent chick and you want to get your feet wet i know how it's like when i first visited NYC i fell in love myself so i know how it feels if you look at school better yet their a millions of people of different cultures and i can tell you since 9/11 people have been very kind and caring pretty friendly if you are in the subway or taking a bus or just asking for help or directions they would assist you so i can tell you from my personal experience NYC is the place to be where you can pursue your dreams it's an exciting city you won't ever regret making the move you are sure to fall in love with the Big Apple once again have fun best of luck in your studies:)|||NYC is an awesome place to live in! U will sure like it! It's very live and fun there! Good luck!|||no because its expensive right now and its getting higher, jobs are low right now , so yea if you can afford school come but the cost of living is not|||I think you should look at ways of going to college maybe part-time interning at a place of your choice.. that way you don't end up going to college just for the sake of living in the city


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