Friday, February 24, 2012

I am going to NYC for the weekend and am comptiplating whether to bring my Nikon D200 and expensive lenses. I am worried about being mugged and having my equipment stolen. I am taking the train from Albany to NYC leaving 8am coming back at midnight. I use this equipment for wedding photography and have a wedding to shoot in 2 weeks and can't afford to lose it. How safe is NYC and how likely will I get mugged. Thanks.|||Your more likely to get mugged in Albany than in NYC. Much more likely.

New York had 16,900 robberies for 8 million people, or 0.0021 per capita in 2008.…

Albany had 361 robberies for 100 thousand people, or 0.0036 per capita in 2008.…

So Albany has roughly 70% more robberies per capita than New York City. Not sure how many of those are muggings, but I would guess that 70% more holds up across different types of robberies.|||You will be fine if you pay attention to your camera. It's when you make it "eye candy" that someone would think of messing with it. If you have someone reliable to watch it for you at home, you can leave it at home since if it is damage here, it wound become unavailable for the shoot thus upseting your client.

While here, don't leave it on a seat (which is against trains rules anways) that when a door opens someone try to grab it then dash through the door.

Here are some Camera Restrictions to be aware of while you are here. Some you most likely know of already due to your travels.…

All the best,

Steve|||I'm a NYC native and (thank God) I have NEVER been mugged in all of the years that I lived in NYC. Just use common sense if you're carrying something that's very expensive. Don't be show-offy about it. By this I mean, if you're going to wear it around your neck, make sure that you keep it insdie your jacket OR keep it in a case in your purse. Avoid wearing your purse (or back-pack) on your back in big crowds where you can be easily pick-pocketed. Have street smarts and you should be fine.|||LOL nuthin gonna happen just keep your eyes at where you walking not at the camera lances lol|||Nothing is going to happen. You're not the only one with expensive cameras here.|||I have never been mugged in NY. NY is safe! Those news u here about r rare. Good luck!


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