Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In the private sector, where I work, "accepting full responsibility" frequently means you clean out your desk and hit the road. But in government, it's a sound bite used to appease the masses. Will this NYC flyby thing be the same? Comrade Obama is already floating the big lie that he knew nothing in advance, will his minions take his cue, do the same and keep their jobs?

Just like Janet Reno, who "accepted full responsibility" for turning children into charcoal, yet suffered no consequences.|||You got that right! Any other person would have been out the door.

Another Harvard buddy........|||Who cares, your making a big deal out of nothing|||0|||Comrade Obama? What happened to Hitler Obama? I want to you to use Hitler Obama. I want the republican party is be as stupid as possible.|||It was most likely a military training exercise and not just a photo op. It was necessary to secure our country.|||Is probably more important to sanction those who authorized torture...|||I WOULD GUESS THE SAME AMOUNT OF GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WHO ACCEPTED BLAME FOR 9/11. NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS DISCIPLINED, WTF?

WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT, TEA BAGGER?|||Zero will suffer. I am really surprised they didn't blame this on Bush.

Also, what kind of message is Obama sending? He was brought up in Indonesia as a Muslim/Christian and that wouldn't be Christian as we know it in the USA.

Who was Obama doing this for? His staff, his Country? WHO.|||I think the solution is valium. You seem to be prone to being easily excitable or enraged. When Obama incinerates some children in a complex filled with religious radicals, I'll be willing to entertain the cause of such frustration.|||I believe Nazi Pelosi is gathering her subject around her to garner a vote, blaming the republicans for the flyby !|||Wait now - it might take YEARS to "investigate" this. haha Dimorats.|||It was a big deal and I hope NYC residents will remember this upon election time.

Those responsible should pay just like the Bush for the toture incident.|||This is an interesting situation. The government policy is that the flight plans of those planes (whether the President is on board or not) is 'need to know' only. The local aviation authorities and the Mayor were informed (at least at the bureaucratic level). The public was not. Is that the fault of the Administration for following written policy or the fault of the Mayor's office for honoring written policy? Well clearly in this case an empowered decision maker should have either canceled the flight or made the plans known.

Much has been made about getting a 'photo-op' but that was only a secondary reason for the flight (and the primary reason for the flight path). But the flight was for training.

But can you imagine the mock outrage that would be heaped upon the Administration if they had just photo-shopped the plane over NYC?|||a few will , ther needs to be consequences in government for these things ultimately its Obama's fault

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