Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm a paramedic and I'm planning to move to NYC to go to grad school at John Jay College. Do paramedics make enough to afford living in NYC? Where are some good places to look for a place if I'm going to John Jay College and want to live on a paramedic salary?|||Well, first of all, currently, the typical salary for an FDNY Paramedic, is as follows:

Starting Salary $37,346
After 1 Year $41,139
After 2 Years $42,818
After 3 Years $47,233
After 5 Years $50,501

Bear in mind that in New York City, $125,000 is considered "Middle Class."

And, second of all, if you're a student at John Jay, they will have a housing department that can help you find a place, and you should take advantage of it, because, on your own, you'll have a hard time finding anything.

Good luck, and the links below are to webpages about John Jay Housing, and about FDNY Paramedics, and about the real cost of living in New York City...|||well they must or they woodnt do it...the make a lot because the are one of the closetest things to being a doctor and the fact that they have to do it in the back of a yea pretty sure i just dont no how much|||Best thing to do is find a roommate.|||no medical practitions make enougth money but most just care
for thier patients for humanity reasons|||I think they do make a lot. Good luck!


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