Friday, February 17, 2012

Although I've seen the NYC local laws and administrative codes for skateboarding, it seems a bit difficult to find information on the general "protocol" for skateboarding across, say, the Williamsburg Bridge. Skateboarding in the bike lane(s) seems to upset most bikers, but as far as I can tell, it's also frowned upon to skate in pedestrian lanes. I'd hate to contribute to the already bad perception people seem to have about skateboarders.|||sorry no special protocols for skateboarders to get killed in traffic on bridges or surface streets. I guess you can walk across the bridge like a normal person or not , what other choice do you have?|||If you'd hate to contribute to the already pad perception people have about skateboarders, then just walk across the bridge.|||my guess its not allowed why not just walk across or use the bus?


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