Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can nyc real estate agent actually make enough to survive? Since there's no hour salary and a million sales agent trying to compete and sell the same house. Is it worth it to even become one since there's so much competing against each other.|||You can do it but it is not easy.|||You evidently are not a sales person. Any sales person worth their salt can and will make a success if ones training has been great and IF YOU are a natural born salesperson. I have been doing it for 55 years and made a fabulous libing. It is NOT THE ITEM ONE SALES it is THE SALEPERSON WHO MAKES THE SALE WHATEVER IT MAY BE!!|||One month you can be making good money, the next month be broke, its a tough living. Your best bet is a state job NY is lucky with raises & such, FL is very different.|||Yes they can make a living. Any semi-successful NYC real estate agent should be making 400k+. Top agents will easily break $2 million a year.

The problem is that it takes money to advertise and getting to a place where your business is established will take years. Advertisement is more expensive in NYC....but if you are serious and can afford to starve for a year of so (a spouse who supports you) it's a very lucrative market.

Real Estate agent income is based on median cost of the area they sell in, the market segment they specialize in.....and very importantly and always forgotten - the TURNOVER rate of real property. CA for example has an extremely low turnover rate cause by artificially low property tax.


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