Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Currently, I live in housing projects in NYC and I really want to move to somewhere elce within the city that much closer to a subway line without taking the bus. I really need to find a 2 bedroom apartment that is lower than $800 a month! I really need help!|||Yeah, two-bedrooms for under $800 is almost impossible anywhere! I would head to Queens. Try Flushing. The 7 train goes there. You might find something in the Bronx. You could always find a place in west Jersey City, near Journal Square or (gasp) Newark. The PATH trains run from there to midtown. Good luck.|||Look in Queens. You can also try to find a roommate on www.newyork.craigslist.org|||Try Homecrest/Marine Park 5 short blocks to Q&D trains and express buses to Downtown and Midtown Manhattan

see map : http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?name=&鈥?/a>|||It might be difficult to find something for $800, but you can check in the upper east or west side (north of Central Park).


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