Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How much money does the average model in nyc with a good agenncy make per year? How much would a beginner, an average or a good model make?|||With a good agency about $60k/year if they are average, about $120k if they are successful but not a

If they are an in-demand runway model who does all of the big shows (Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, Donna Karan, etc) they can make $60k just during show season as they are making about $3000-4000/show. An unknown or new face on those same shows might make $300 or be paid in trade (free clothes)

You make the real money if you can get commercial work, catalogs, etc. A national ad campaign might pay $50k for a single day's work - but it takes years to get to that point to make a reputation for yourself

But in any agency, even the top ones, there are going to be models who never book a single job


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