Friday, February 17, 2012

I live in Europe and I have a couple of job offers, one of them in NYC. I would like to know how much money would I need to live there. I would like to rent a flat in a "good" area (it doesn't have to be Manhattan, but somewhere nice to live) + food and all that. Can anyone tell their experience?|||A one bedroom apt in Queens is about $1000 a month, so before anything, start searching Craiglist for some roomies!

Now salary wish (for money to "live off of" and pay your bills), you will need to make at least a minimum of $40,000 yearly, and that's if you have a roommate because you can't pay rent and bills on that alone.

Many neighborhoods are good to live in. Try Queens before you go to Brooklyn, The Bronx... and stay away from Staten Island. You don't want to live there... trust me. lol

Food is expensive. Not sure what it's like in Europe but if you eat out you can find some bargains but taxes and stuff are a little higher so you have to compensate for that.

Overall NY is a GREAT city to live in and you won't be disappointed!

Good luck!|||Yoo're welcome! Good luck, you will love NY!! :)

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|||A friend of mine who works real estate here said that you need to make about 40K for every 1K rent to live comfortably. You do the ain't pretty...|||Expect to "prove" that you are making 40% of your yearly salary to qualify for most nice apartments in the city. I would also negotiate with any potential employers that they cover your brokerage fee.

(the most common and easy way to look for an apartment is to use a broker who charges you 15% of the yearly rent). For a studio apartment you will pay $1500-1700 (300 sq tiny feet). For a 1 bedroom (600 sq tiny feet) about $2300-2500/month.

I would check out Queens, New Jersey cities, Brooklyn, or the Greenwich, CT area for outside the city options. and Find out what subway/ferry lines your new company is you know what sort of commute you are getting yourself into.

Also check out to get an idea of rent prices.

As far as food, etc. IF you are ready to be thrifty you can make it happen. Eat in vs. eating out etc. It's cheaper than Paris if that's where you are coming from...or so they say!|||I can't give you numbers, but I do know that NYC is one of the top three most expensive cities to live in in the US.|||I rent a one bedroom "flat" in a good area of Queens, $1,400/month. Manhattan would cost more.

Good luck.|||Alot. A one bedroom apartment can cost almost a million dollars...seriously.|||It is the most expensive place. Trust me I know.
For rent, maybe you chalk up 1k-2k
Food if you do not eat out, the prices can be similar with America.
But if you say your from Europe, the cost of daily expenses there are quite high too, so I think you should be fine.


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