Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm currently living around the NYC area, and I'm a huge WPLJ, KTU, and Z100 fan. However, it looks like I'm going to be moving to Florida. I understand that there are similar stations, but I can't really bring myself to part with them. Is there a way, using XM or Sirius radio, to get these stations while I live far away from the signal? Thanks so much in advance!|||Sirius and XM are prohibited from rebroadcasting over-the-air radio stations. it has to do with how the Arbitron rating system works. Many stations operate a web feed and you can get internet "radios" that look and act like regular radio receivers. The web feed will be slightly different than the air program because Sound Exchange (RIAA) prohibits the play of certain music sets on the internet. Our college station has to switch the internet feed to alternate programs when the air program offends Sound Exchange.|||Most radio stations have a website and will stream their broadcast over that. Even my college station does. It's just like listening to Pandora most times. Certainly hope yours do too.


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