Friday, February 17, 2012

Im heading to nyc tomorrow for my 16th birthday trip. Is there any way to not just look like a lousy tourist?|||You may actually be treated nicer if people know that you are a tourist.
They know you come to spend money so you'll get pampered.

To not appear as a tourist:
* Hide the camera & minimize photo taking.
* Don't wear the "I <3 NY" T-Shirt.
* Camouflage your (foreign) acent.
* Avoid clothing/styles not native to New York(ers).
* Hide street maps (or look often at your GPS)
* Hide airline stickers/tags on travel bags.
* Hide your (translation) dictionary and much more.|||Don't stop in the middle of the sidewalk to figure out directions, to look at a tall building, or to tie your shoe. That's the biggest indicator that you're a stupid tourist. If you need to stop, or want to stop, move next to a building, on the side, so you're out of the way and not blocking foot traffic.

Good luck, and have fun!|||act like you're better than everybody else.

also, don't look both ways when crossing the street. if you almost get hit, pound on the hood of the car that almost hit you and start yelling obscenities at the driver as if it were HIS/HER fault.|||why?? half the people around you will be a tourist, the other quarter are transplants who have only been living there one year and will be gone soon, its funny how people always dont want to look like a tourist in NYC|||Just don't worry about it. There are TONS of tourists in NYC, and when you are in places like Times Square, etc., it will be 90% tourists.|||Just be yourself. New York City is a tourist friendly city. We lover tourist to come and spend a week in our beloved city.

Good luck|||dont stop in the middle of the sidewalk and dont look at everything make a friend and you'll get around easily|||All the suggestions above are good. I'll just add my own personal pet peeve with tourists... don't stop every 5 steps to gawk at something!

Have a fun and safe birthday!|||haha its so easy to tell....The mannerisms and personable-ness of the makes them stick out|||don't stare at all the big buildings.|||Don't wear a backpack on your head or a huge camera and hiking boots on :D|||Walk fast and don't look at anyone's face.


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