Friday, February 3, 2012

Can anyone give me any ideas on what to do in NYC within the next 2 months? When is the best time to go?|||If you go in May the weather should be great. There are great Broadway shows you can see, there are many fine restaurants to dine in, shopping on 5Th Avenue, carriage ride in Central Park, the opera, many fine museums, the Statute of Liberty, Ellis Island, The Intrepid, Ground Zero, The Empire State Building. The Yankees, Mets, Knicks and Rangers will all be playing at this time. Set a date for your visit and go on line to get your tickets in advance for shows and sporting events. There is so much to see and do in New York and it depends upon your interests and your wallet, but there is something for everyone.|||check out a play the sets are great|||I went to NYC a couple of years ago. My favorite thing we did was visit the wax musuem. It was way better than expected. The bus tour through the city is really nice also. The Empire State building is a must also.
There is no better time to go than any other. It is always crowded. Christmas time is extra nice, but extra crowded.


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