Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hi, I have two friends currently with me in Pennsylvania who live in Marlboro NJ. They were planning to go home this weekend, but due to Hurricane Irene I'm delaying their departure until afterwards for their own safety. Since NYC and the surrounding areas are almost certainly going to be a transportation nightmare after the hurricane, how can I get them using mass transit from Philidelphia, PA to Marlboro, NJ, or within 30 minutes of Marlboro--and away from the coast?|||Not going to happen this weekend. NJ Transit, which is the statewide mass transit network, isn't running during the hurricane anywhere. Same goes for SEPTA. Who knows when mass transit will be back up and running.|||You won't be going anywhere this weekend, other than away from the coast, and away from the hurricane. Otherwise just stay in and bunker down

Mass transit will be shutting down during the storm|||ghjhgj


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