Friday, February 3, 2012


We are going to NYC in October and are planning on going to Six Flags but do not want to hire a car, is there a bus service to Six Flags and back?

If so where do we go to get it, how much, and what number etc?

Thanks|||NJ Transit Bus 308 from Port Authority Bus Terminal (42nd St&Times Sq), Gate 324.

Runs once a day to Six Flags, at 9:30am, 7 days a week. 3 times a day back.

Travel time: 2hrs

Cost: $50, Including admission to Six Flags.|||You can take a bus from the Port Authority. If you google them, they have a bus service schedule online that tells you when the bus departs. I believe it goes to 6flags on Saturdays and Sundays (although it might go during the week as well). The cost includes the bus ride and the entrance fee.


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