Friday, February 3, 2012

Were in NYC can i get a tubal ligation and a vigana reconstruction?|||Your best option would be to talk to your doctor - they will be able to recommend a specialist who can help you with your surgery. They'll probably refer you to a therapist too - they aren't trying to be offensive, it is just standard practice, so that they are sure you are making the right decision....

Goodluck|||In case you've got problems, tubal reversal is always there to help you. I heard from a testimonial that it really is an effective procedure. Here, this may even raise your hopes up:
Or google search Gary S. Berger, M.D.

Good luck.

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|||What is a vigana?
Is that like a va-jay-jay?
Baby, if you can't even spell it you don't need to have it reconstructed!|||Ditto to what Nik T said!

I couldn't have said it better myself!


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