Friday, February 17, 2012

I've recently turned 16 and i'd like to head off to NYC in about three years. I can save up money for that amount of time but i'm clueless as to what i'd need to pay for. I'd probably take a Taxi everywhere because I can't navigate maps, eat out each night and i'd like to visit the Statue of Liberty and the E.S.Building. I'm such a useless tourist!! Also, hotels, things to do etc....... Help?|||NYC is one of the safest places as long as you mind your own business. Many people who have never been there will say it's bad.
NYC is expensive. You can stay at Days Inn at Brooklyn for Cheaper than the city. $150 a night and only a 30 minute train ride to the city. Eating out will cost you a lot. Don't take taxis, rather, take the bus or train which will be cheaper and faster.|||Maybe you'll learn to navigate maps and not be such a useless tourist in 3 years.|||None, use your debit/credit card.
Don't get lost on the way to the airport.
Tell me, why are you boasting about being stupid?|||You sound pretty dim|||none, youll get robbed|||alot but just make sure you dont get robbed


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